Monday, 22 May 2017

ESSÊNCIA DO VINHO - PORTO opens this thursday

This event gathered all of the major national producers in a public showcase fair, so what a better way to kick off our blog! Here we get to know the specialitlies from each company and even more oddities among the various kinds of wine.

Official Inauguration around 15:30 with Rui Moreira
The Mayor of Oporto, Rui Moreira, officially opens the 14th edition of the event ESSÊNCIA DO VINHO – PORTO, in Palácio da Bolsa, tomorrow, Thursday, around 15:30. “The prime wine experience in Portugal” will go on until next Sunday, the 26th of February.
The big feature of this year is the premiere of the initiative “Portugal Wine Connection”. It is an exclusive session that will gather over 70 represented importers and foreign journalists to producers and winemakers on the event. The wine degustation in loco and the direct contact between economic agents, leaders of opinion and importers that operate in 14 foreign markets, has the double goal to increase international media notoriety for Portuguese wines and fuel new business opportunities. The action goes on this Thursday, in the Arabian Hall of the Palácio da Bolsa, from 16:30 to 18:30.
In the morning, even before opening to the public, an international jury will elect the new “TOP 10 Portuguese Wines”. The session occurs the first day, the 23rd of February, from 16:30 to 18:30, in the Arabian Hall of the Palácio da Bolsa. The juries are 40 journalists, wine critics and sommeliers of 12 nationalities that will assess about 60 pre-selected wines by the magazine, WINE – A Essência do Vinho, that obtained the highest scores on the magazine’s tasting panel during last year. The white, red and fortified wines that reach the highest classification on this tasting will compose the “TOP 10 Portuguese Wines”, that will be divulged during a diner at Feitoria Inglesa, Friday, the 24th.

Samples from the 19th Century, Brazilian sparkling wines and cheeses, Alentejo’s dolium wines, classics of the Dão and the Douro

Over four days, ESSÊNCIA DO VINHO – PORTO will present through degustation free of charge over 3000 wines from 350 producers, national and foreign. At the same time an intense programme of 20 commented tastings unfolds, directed by specialists, that include novelties and rarities salvaged from the cellar.
The tasting “Dream Port Wines”, reserved to the international committee of journalists, rounds up on the 24th the wines Carvalhas Memories Very Old Tawny Port 1867, Quinta do Vallado ABF Very Old Tawny Port 1888, Kopke 375 Anniversary Special Edition Single Harvest Port 1940, Taylor’s Single Harvest Port 1967, Ramos Pinto 40 year old Tawny Port, Homenagem João Nicolau de Almeida and Graham’s Very Old Tawny Port 90 (celebrating the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, batch 1912, 1924 and 1935)

Right on the first day, 23rd of February, two Madeira Wines from the 19th century, two Madeira wines from the 19th Century, from the house of Barbeito, compose the session “Barbeito: Madeira Wines that stand the tiral of time”. Barbeito Malmsey 1875, 100 Year Old Barbeito Tinta Negra, BarbeitoBoal and Malmsey 1889 – 1890, 40 Year Old Barbeito Mãe Manuela Malmsey, 30 Year Old Barbeito Vó Vera Malmsey, 20 Year Old Barbeito Malmsey – Batch 14050, Barbeito Sercial 1992, Barbeito Verdelho 2000 make up the deluxe team of this commented tasting, in this case already open to the public (bound to room capacity).

Friday, the 24th, a highlight to the tasting “Symington: seven decades of Single Quinta Vintage”, that will sum up the wines Graham’s Malvedos 1958, Graham’s Malvedos 1965, Dow’s Bomfim 1978, Quinta do Vesúvio 1995, Dow’s Senhora da Ribeira 1998, Warre’s Cavadinha 2001, Graham’s Malvedos 2004, Dow’s Senhora da Ribeira 2013 and Cockburn’s Canais 2014. Also on the same day, Taylor’s celebrates its 325th anniversary with the tasting “Terra Feita: a great Plantation of Taylor’s”, that gathers Vintage Ports from 1982, 1986, 1991, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2005 and 2008. From the Dão, Sogrape showcases Grão Vasco whites and reds from 1977, 1978, 1981, 1983, 1991, 1992, 2005, 2015 and 2016.

Saturday, the 25th, more bottles that persist on defying time are opened, such as the Casa Ferreirinha Vinha Grande red 1975, and Sunday, the 26th, the tasting “Kopke: 6 decades of Single Harvests” presents samples from 1957, 1967, 1978, 1981, 1999 and 2007.
Alentejo’s Dolium Wines, an ancestral tradition that in the latest years has been tirelessly recovered in Alentejo, wines from the Dão out of the noblest of red Portuguese grape varieties, the Touriga Nacional, old harvests, ranging from the decade of 1970, from Casa Ferreirinha, sparkling wines from Rio Grande Sul and wines and cheeses from Minas Gerais, Brazil, are some of the other highlights.   
And there will also be plenty of compromises between Port wines and chocolates and of laid back chatter that will help to better understand the wondrous world of wine.

The detailed programme is available online, at The entry worth for a day of event has the cost of 25€ and grants access to 3000 wines from 350 producers and the official event cup, Riedel.

ESSÊNCIA DO VINHO – PORTO will occur the 23rd of February, from 3p.m. to 8p.m., the 24th and 25th, from 3p.m. to 9p.m. and the 26th of February from 3p.m. to 8p.m.
An association of EV-Essência do Vinho, in partnership with Oporto’s Trade Association, with the support from the City Hall of Oporto
The Editorial Staff | WINE – A Essência do Vinho

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